Lester H Scheaffer

Publié le par Nicolas1980


(Informations & research are still on progress)

Pvt. Lester H. Scheaffer was KIA September 12th 1944

He is burried in the Normandy/Brittany area of France (St James Cemetery)


I’m proudly in charge of taking care of his grave since January 2009


He’s not forgotten, he gave his life for freedom. The liberty loving people will always be thankfull to him



Lester H. Scheaffer (birth name Schaeffer) enlist in December 1943
He was 30 yo when he entered the US Army

He was raised on a dairy farm in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania and had between 9 or 12 brothers and sisters

He had a wife, a daughter and was a driver

As a replacement, he had been on the line for less than a week when he was killed


(As stated in the official book of the 29th) :


Fort Keranroux looked out at the attacking american over a broad stretch of razed terrain, entirely clear of tree and brush, which allow the garrison perfect observation.
Halfway across this open ground and running completely around the fort a deep antitank dicth had been dug.

Back of the ditch, wired in concrete pillboxes were surrounded with mines which could be eletrically detonated by remote control.
Automatic weapons, 20mm AA Guns and 88mm cannon dominated every approach to the fort, while all dug in positions beyond the tank ditch were connected by deep trenches, partially covered and camouflaged.

Commanded by Lt. Col. Claude R. Melancon the 2nd Bn. swept 2000 yards along the valley to attack Fort Keranroux.

The attack against this stronghold, launched by the 175th’s 2nd battailion on September 12 had progressed to the tank ditch when F compagny, the leading unit was caught under heavy mortar fire which has been previously registered on this barrier.

Attempting to whithdraw, the compagny suffered casualties from automatic weapons fire and succeed in returning to it’s battalion line only after artillery had boxed in the compagn’sy front and had screened the area with smoke



The fort has been taken the 13th ...

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